2041 E. Sims Way, Port Townsend, WA
(360) 379-9284
MON 10am-5:30pm | TUES 9am-5:30pm | WED & THURS 9am-3:00pm | FRI closed

Addressing COVID-19

The health and safety of you and ourselves are our highest priority. 
With that in mind, we want to share with you the ways in which we are best able to support you and our community as a whole during this time.


• We continue to take all measures to disinfect. 
• If you would prefer wait in your car. Please call the front desk and let us know you have arrived and you will be called to come in when Dr. Fountain is ready for you.
• Air Purifiers have been placed throughout the office to help reduce airborne germs.
• All high-touch areas in the lobby, check-out counter, treatment rooms and bathroom are being disinfected continually.
• Treatment tables are sprayed down with a natural disinfectant.
• If you are experiencing symptoms of illness, we will be offering appointments on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons only so that we can put extra time between visits and have no cross over of patients and completely sanitize the space. If you have a fever, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.  Dr. Fountain will make herself available for phone or email support if you can not come in.

Telehealth Appointments: Dr. Fountain is now set up for telephone appointments to discuss any concerns or symptoms, and give nutritional support recommendation or guidance on whether medical support is needed.  We are trying to help reduce the burden our medical community may get.  (These appointments will be 15 minutes and charged as a usual visit fee.  If you think you may need more time please request when making your appointment)

Supplements: If you’d like to pick up supplements, we ask that you phone in your order and pay by credit/debit card in advance: 360-379-9284. We’ll package your order so you can pick it up with minimal exposure for yourself and our staff. (We need healthy staff in order to continue serving you!)

Addressing COVID-19 and the benefits to Chiropractic Adjustments:
There is no other way to gain maximum immunity without Chiropractic. A 2004 study showed that 98% of asthma, allergy, and dermatitis (all immune system related) sufferers had vertebral misalignments as a common finding. The 1917-1918 flu epidemic put Chiropractic on the map. Medical doctors treated 93,590 flu patients and had 6,116 deaths; one out of every 15 patients. They sent the worst cases to the rising science doctors, Chiropractors. They treated (adjusted) 4,735 patients and lost only 6 patients; one out of 789! Chiropractic works! It saves lives. 

As an Individual as part of a Community: Approaching COVID-19 Like Every Choice Matters
The reality is, most of us will become exposed to COVID-19 at some point. From a community and health care system perspective, it’s in our best interests to not all become exposed at once. That’s when real problems start to arise for individuals not being able to receive the care they need because of health care system overload.  

As an Individual: Approaching COVID-19 Like the Flu
The bottom line is to handle COVID-19 like the flu. The most effective way to prevent viruses from infecting you is by building up your immune system. This is your #1 defense against infection.

1. Build your immune system.
2. Keep your hands and home clean of environmental toxins.
3. And, most importantly, remain calm and keep stress levels low.

Besides all the increased hygiene recommendations, Chiropractic adjustments and nutritional supplementation are helpful in supporting the body’s ability to get this job done. Whole Food supplementation has the true replacement parts your body will respond best to.

1. Do your best not to live in fear or anxiety about the situation. Yes, it is a serious matter that requires our attention. However, it is important to note that when we get trapped in a fear response our immune systems shut down in favor of survival mechanisms, which actually further heighten our anxiety! Be wise and discerning about your lifestyle practices and choices, and trust you are doing what you can to keep yourself and your family safe.
2. Fresh air and Sunshine are vital to healthy immunity – make a point of getting outside, daily.  Even as little as 10 to 15 minutes three times throughout the day will benefit you.
3. Rest!  Get plenty of sleep and rest.
4. Take some time off, perhaps use this time for a personal at-home retreat where you just enjoy some time spent away from work, extra-curricular activities and the hustle and bustle of life.  Walks in nature, working in your garden, healthy dinners together with your family, board games, curling up with a good book and limiting your social contact are all enriching ways to protect yourself from community transmission.
5. Increase your consumption of nutrient-dense infection-fighting foods like: organic blueberries, raspberries, spinach, sprouts, garlic, onions, ginger, parsley, cilantro, spirulina, celery juice, mushrooms, bone broth and fermented foods and beverages.
6. Drink lots of water. Drinking good quality water and herbal teas, staying hydrated, is one of the best things you can do to flush out toxins from your body and help support the immune system.
7. Keep your immune system strong by reducing/eliminating your sugar & alcohol intake and eating a balanced diet. Avoid eating processed sugars. Sugar weakens the immune system and makes it less able to deal with viruses and bacteria. Be sure to read food labels carefully and to limit the amount of sugar you eat.
8. Be wise with your bleach use: COVID-19 attacks the respiratory tract and bleach is a harsh chemical that can irritate and damage the respiratory tract and be absorbed through the skin. Wear gloves and use in a well-ventilated area.