2041 E. Sims Way, Port Townsend, WA
(360) 379-9284
MON 10am-5:30pm | TUES 9am-5:30pm | WED & THURS 9am-3:00pm | FRI closed

What our patients are saying

“I had a very low quality of life. I was in constant pain and used a cane to walk. Now I have my life back and can do everything I was capable of prior to my fall. The combination of chiropractic treatment, nutrition education and supplements has allowed my injury to finally heal after 3 years. I no longer use a cane.”
– D. Johnson

“Prior to seeing Dr. Fountain, I experienced insomnia, inconsistent energy levels, upper GI pain and bowel distress. Now, I sleep well and longer, my energy is more constant throughout the day and I feel less moody. My stomach and intestinal cramps/pains are gone.  I very rarely experience low blood sugar and my food cravings are no more! My friends and co-workers have even noticed and commented on how much brighter and clearer my appearance is.”
– Anonymous

“Within just a few weeks of taking the Standard Process supplements my sleeping patterns dramatically improved, which not only affected my neck problems in a positive way, but my whole well-being. Being well rested has changed my entire life and perspective and for that, I am grateful.”
– D. Wassmer

“Before coming to see Dr. Fountain, I was very nervous and stressed, experienced acid reflux, insomnia and vertigo. Since seeing Dale, I am now able to relax and roll with the punches, as they say. My moods have improved so even my husband has noticed. I also have not had to take any prescription meds for acid reflux.”
– R. Scott

“Since starting my nutritional program with the doctor, I have lost 35 pounds or more when before I just couldn’t seem to lose weight. I have also changed my eating habits, have more energy and just feel a lot better.”
– N. Bennett

“I used to need an inhaler for a bronchial spasm that would occur after exercising. Now, after working with Dr. Fountain on improving my diet and incorporating whole food supplements, I have no need for an inhaler after strenuous exercise. Apparently exercise was not the cause of my bronchial distress. Thank you.”
– J. Bower

“My shotgun approach to self health care never has prevented colds, allergies, sinus problems or digestive issues. After beginning a nutritional supplement program, in combination with Dr. Fountain’s chiropractic care, I now have more energy, fewer headaches and no low back pain. In addition, the red spots on my cheeks have diminished considerably. I am feeling grounded and grateful.”
– S. Wassmer

“My son woke one morning and couldn’t straighten his neck and was experiencing severe pain. When we walked into the office he dropped to the floor convulsing due to the intense pain. Dr. Fountain assessed the cause of the pain and recommended he take some specific nutrition that addressed it. With several follow-up evaluations over an hour my son continued to take more. It was amazing to watch how quickly his pain level dropped and was able to get his neck straight enough so that he could lie on the table for Dr. Fountain to check and adjust. Thank you for helping my son!”
– D. Noltemeir

“About 11 months ago I experienced a life-altering medical emergency, since then Dr. Dale Fountain has helped me get my life back through nutrition counseling and chiropractic care. Her faith in these methods convinced me that my traditional reliance on pills wasn’t always necessary. Thanks to her nutritional advice of taking supplements and switching my diet to whole, healthy foods I’m down to only taking a child’s dosage of medication. Now, I’m doing great and continue to improve!”
– Marianne Walters

“Since I’ve been a patient of Dr. Fountain I’ve seen great improvements in my overall health. I’ve lost 40 pounds and have been migraine-free for six years. She is very attentive to her patients and helps identify the root of health issues and treats them accordingly, with a big picture approach. I would recommend her services to anyone looking to improve their overall health.”
– Nancy Bennett

“I first started seeing Dr. Dale Fountain for nutritional counseling three years ago, since then she has become my first line of defense to stay healthy. Her consulting has eliminated my need for prescription pills and has greatly improved my respiratory health. She tailors both her chiropractic and nutritional care to treat the root of the problem, instead of simply treating the symptom. I can hardly believe what a great improvement seeing Dr. Fountain has made in my health.”
-Pat Hundhausen

“I’ve always been a healthy eater, but nutritional counseling from Dr. Fountain helps keep me on track and the supplements help counteract the toxins from my job as a firefighter. She preaches common sense and gives expert advice, by concentrating on whole foods and reducing inflammation, which leads to healthier bodies and less disease. As a firefighter and former EMT, I often see the worst side of unhealthy eating and can highly recommend the preventative measures that her program emphasizes. Nutrition counseling equals healthy bodies and less stress for people of all ages and walks of life.”
– Jordan Pollack